... hari raya aidilfitri ...


wat s it again today? 9th day of hari raya eh? wow, time passes by so quickly... i havent had d chance to visit families even tho there was a 3-day period of leave during the first days of raya... us 3-musketeers (mum, dad n me) only went to the cemetries of d dearly beloved, my grannies house (on mum's side, both on dad's side passed away a long time ago) and also to my baby's house :0) (i love you...)

oh btw, resident evil: extinction, action packed n definitly a must see. however, on d true side (being a resident evil fan eversince the game came out) it was not what i expected. i was lookin forward to a follow up of the storyline from the video game. but, anyhow, milla jovovich rocks my world so its ok :) went to see it with my baby n it was funny to see ourselves gettin surprised n freaked out by the suspense. hahaha... wish i had my bantal busyuk tho so dat i could hide behind it when a scary scene comes up.

oh p.s., i L-O-V-E KFC's cheesy wedges. God Almighty, his creations r a wonder. d darned cheese just melts n covers every inch of space in my big mouth (no pun intended) but sadly i cant have it too many of times since i'm 20kgs over my 'ideal' weight... *sigh*

d countdown to a new ending as well as a new beginning is as near as ever. as of 1st november 2007, it will b a great step for me as well as a risk that a man rarely takes... quitting my job, moreover that its with the government, is not an easy task. but what to do? u rather stay in one place for d rest of ur life? why? when there is a chance given to u to improve urself? to me, risk or not, it's still a chance. a rare chance that is...

damn, i havent even packed yet. is it like this when ur gonna work overseas? phew. there's a lot to do, heck! there's even a lot to buy! oh me oh gosh oh my...

f its not bad enough already, eversince i announced my 'retirement' to d head office, they've bombarded me with tons of work so that the work that THEY LEFT s handed over to ME so that I COULD FINISH IT FOR THEM. very sweet of those guys eh...

n i hate it when d flu comes... lucky me that no coughs r included this time. its just plain hard to eat when u need to breath thru ur yap coz ur nostrils r stuffed... urgh.



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