... raya nights n its woes ...


alright, so i get the message. raya is a very happening time of the year for us bruneians. open houses, families visiting from afar n near, friends coming over as well, tapak kudas n cheese cakes galore, sweet carbonated drinks, daging rendangs, ayam kurmas... the list goes on endlessly a long as our gluttonous guts can handle the fat n cholesterol infested foods... (not that i have anything against it, hehehe).

but the issue that manages to irk me the most... fire crackers. GAWD... its kinda funny though. i dont really play around with it much but i got a few chances during my childhood days to to pop some of it. the farthest i went to poppin em is one of those that they call 'badil kalaplawa' (color flower fire crackers)

we's make holes in the ground n stuf it inside, light it up n BBBOOOOM! ... the holes become bigger like a crater (a mini crater in this case)... fire in the hole! heheheh...

so fast forward to the present. here i am all grown up. hari raya wasnt much for me coz everything rotated around work n no play at all.

during the evening for the early raya days, fire crackers were exploding from everywhere. whether its in d sky or on land. like d saying goes, its like the fourth of july! well, in this case, its Hari Raya dammit!

i accept the fact that raya is the season to see these kinda stuff for three straight days (even after the first week of fasting, some got an early start). now its what?, 11? or 12th day of raya? people are stil at it! my goodness. i hadnt had a quiet sleep since puasa started til now. playing it at night, fine. but midnight? crack of dawn? its too damn far man... i mean, i wanna sleep n i bet others want to as well.

i dont know f anyone thinks about it but i do. doesnt it waste a lot of money. alright i smoke, so its a waste alright. but buying fire crackers is quite the same. i mean, i was buyin a pack which cost me like two bucks then this kid, 10 or 12, comes up n buys a firecracker for 5 bucks! my gosh, it takes me around a week just to finish my smokes. once u light it n it pops, thats it... gone just like that. tsk tsk tsk...

give it a thought...



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