. . . laundry . . .


such a cursed blessing to have washing/drying machines up in this part of the world. especially for me who is so lazy at doing laundry. just to give u an idea: up where i live now (kind of a small hotel-ish apartment) they provide 4 machines, 2 washing n 2 drying... varies depends on where/which apartment-building u live in. both machines i love n hate. each person renting the apartment is given a chance (f they want) to use the machines by buying a card which has a chip... kind of those cards that look like our Bruneian IDs except that its white without any fancy designs or writing. for 50 francs, the card is pre-programmed to hold 200 units or points that will be used for the laundry.

say like for 30 mins of washing will cost u 5 points. they have numerous choices with numerous point charges. being the cheapskate i am (n proud of it) i tend to use each point as if it was precious time & money (whereby it is in this case).

for 200 units i could do 2 months of laundry, which means once a week i do d laundry obviously.

in each month, i have never missed to encounter at least 1-2 problems. usually with the machines; either the meter is fucked up or... the machine itself is fucked up (not surprising coz theres like more than a hundred ppl living in the building n each person has their own brutal tactics of using the machines. me? i treat the machines like it is my own, swear to God n cross my heart)... so, last Saturday, after finishing one batch of laundry i continued to another. now a new problem has occured, whereby the meter wont register my card. keeps saying that my card was invalid! fucking hell... i still had like 60 points left. this came to a double whammy coz my clothes was stuck in there... shit cupcakes...

i wanted to ask for help but its already like 2am (yeah i do my laundry VERY early) n i dont want to cause a racket to d ppl sleeping. even waiting for someone to come down n do their laundry was also not a good option coz i noe for a fact that most ppl stop doing laundry at 10pm. i stood there like a fucking idiot for nearly an hour, shoving the card in n out of d meter hoping it could register.

i shoved it in n out so many times, i think it might have ejaculated or had an orgasm... hehehehe... i like making funny jokes in d middle of pressure.

with God's dear grace, d meter somehow registered d card n in a split second i clicked open the machine door n pulled out my clothes. i wanted to try it again but i didnt want to end up another hour shoving the card. so much for 'conveniences' ... i swear, if that machine had a neck, i'd choke it to near death for the troubles it cost me. just near death... i still want it to live so that i can do my laundry next week n d week after n so on n so forth...



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